This blog is a collection of RPG adventures and the design thinking behind them. If you’re looking for an easy-to-run adventure to hook your friends on tabletop roleplaying games, you’ve hopefully come to the right place. You’ll see most of my adventures span genres and game systems, have lots of fun handouts, and premade characters – so you can get started in minutes.
You’ll also find many of the thoughts that inspired me while incepting or writing the adventure, along with how it all played out (or utterly failed) in my own sessions. Hopefully this blog will spark some new game design ideas of your own!
If you’d like to jump to a list of all the adventures available on the blog, hop on over here to the Adventure Index.
While I enjoy and have played lots of RPG systems, you’ll see most of my adventures built for GURPS, Call of Cthulhu, D&D, and (soon) Dungeon Crawl Classics. But I try to keep them as agnostic as possible, so if you’re a fan of another game, you can easily convert them to your favorite system.
If you enjoy any of these adventures, or get a chance to run one for yourself, please let me know! Tweet me @SageThalcos or leave a comment! Enjoy!