Themed Character Sheets
This page is so you can download blank versions of the genre-themed characters sheets in my adventures. Enjoy!
GURPS Action Character Sheet
GURPS Arabian Nights Character Sheet
GURPS Banestorm Character Sheet
GURPS Cliffhangers / Pulp Character Sheet
GURPS Cthulhu Horror Character Sheet
GURPS Dark Ages Character Sheet
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Character Sheet
GURPS Espionage Character Sheet
GURPS Harry Potter Character Sheet
GURPS Horror Character Sheet
GURPS Mythic Greece Character Sheet
GURPS Ice Age Character Sheet
GURPS Old West Character Sheet
GURPS Old West Horror Character Sheet
GURPS Savage Fantasy Character Sheet
GURPS Star Trek Character Sheet
GURPS Suicide Squad Character Sheet
GURPS Star Wars Character Sheet
GURPS Swashbucklers Character Sheet
GURPS Steampunk Character Sheet
GURPS Vikings Character Sheet
GURPS Quick Combat Reference
Other RPGs
1985 OSR / Dark Places & Demogorgons Character Sheet
5E Swashbucklers Sheet
Call of Cthulhu 1950s Character Sheet
I’m wondering how you make these things. I’d like to make my own custom GURPS character sheets for my campaigns, and I’m wondering what software and stuff you used.
I just import the “official” version into Photoshop and then delete the stuff I don’t like, changing fonts, etc. It’s pretty manual, but I enjoy the grunt work some days 🙂
it appears that all the GCA Aliens ( and only them) in the Chariot of the gods are corrupted somehow, since i can´t open them in my GCA (Error 13) can you reupload them , or something similar?
Hmmm, I replaced the file – take a look. These were created in the older GCA4 version so maybe that’s the issue, since they opened fine for me. The Heart of Darkness files has many of the same files for GCS if that helps too.
First I’d like to thank you for the work. It is amazing, just found your site and am itching to run one of your adventures. I wonder, tough, in the Canyon of the Snow adventure if you have the character sheets for the Savage Worlds system, couldn’t find them in the pdf. Thanks again!
I just added them to the adventure – just go download it again. (Special thanks to Dicelord N for the conversion work here!)