
Placing Clues is Hard – Gotham ’39

Years ago a common criticism of Call of Cthulhu‘s investigative adventures was “if the players fail a single Spot Hidden roll to find a clue, the adventure is over.” I think that’s mostly a lazy critique. It’s like saying if your D&D players never find the dungeon, the adventure is over. But there is some […]

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Rebooting Pirate Horror – A Crown of Fetters

Regular readers of this blog will know that I occasionally go back through old adventures, look for ones that don’t quite work, but have a good soul, and reboot them into something new. Rebooting an adventure is a very different creative process from writing a new one — by adapting someone else’s older work, you’re […]

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Squandered Settings – Shadows of the Old Subway

At Gen Con this year, I played Night Mother’s Moon, a modern Call of Cthulhu scenario which sends the investigators on the hunt for a crazed man who is hiding from occult-obsessed gang members. While I had some problems with the adventure, there was an an exciting section where we had to plunge into abandoned […]

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Learnings from Other GMs – Writing Horror

Over the last few years, I’ve written over a dozen free horror adventures that you can find on this website. They range from horror adventures that span unusual historical settings, to takes on rare genres (at least in RPGS) like 80s slasher films and 1950s retro cheese. In that time span, I’ve also discovered new […]

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One-shots for Halloween

Horror makes for one of the best genres for one-shot RPG adventures. Horror adventures are usually short, with many of them easily able to be finished in just one night. Horror characters are usually archetypical and fun to play. Roleplay a crazy old cat lady for a campaign? No way! But for one night, where […]

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More Eldritch Obscurity – A Flaw in the Lens

Last year, I did a fun game design experiment where I asked Call of Cthulhu fans what some of the most underused and forgotten Lovecraftian monsters were. I then took one of those obscure creatures — the alien Insects of Shaggai — and wrote an entire adventure around them. Centering an adventure around a monster […]

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1Shot Reviews – Undead Edition

This month, I followed the trail of some good one-shot adventures, and discovered two fantastic ones that are worth checking out… especially if you’re a fan of the undead (and honestly, what kind of GM isn’t…?) Spoilers ahead! Tomb of the Savage Kings – Classic Mummy Horror Dungeon Crawl Classics has a fantastic collection of […]

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