This month, I go waaaaay back in time to the ice age. And to make it more brutal, I add some Lovecraftian monstrosities into the mix. The ice age is probably the most ignored RPG setting. There are very few RPGs that focus on it. But… it’s also one of the best historical settings for […]
Tag: ancient
Horror RPGs appear to be going through a resurgence, at least according to my own convention statistics. It’s easy to fill up a game of Call of Cthulhu with excited players these days, even at a small convention, and my GURPS Horror historical crossovers do well too. As most horror writers will tell you, the […]
This month, it’s off to Heroic Greece with The Honey Tree of Pelion, a GURPS adventure that challenges the PCs to assuage angry gods, perform mighty physical feats, and save a city from the hubris of its king. As I hearkened back to my love of Clash of the Titans to write this adventure, I […]