This month, it’s off to Heroic Greece with The Honey Tree of Pelion, a GURPS adventure that challenges the PCs to assuage angry gods, perform mighty physical feats, and save a city from the hubris of its king. As I hearkened back to my love of Clash of the Titans to write this adventure, I discovered that even Homer had some ancient sage advice for GMs:
“Words empty as the wind are best left unsaid.” -Homer
NPCs have always had an awkward place in roleplaying games. From D&D’s earliest hirelings, equipped with nothing but borrowed lanterns and 10′ poles, to the dying strangers in the tavern who desperately need some old artifact from the local crypt, GMs have struggled to find the right balance with their own cast of characters. Without NPCs, adventures are devoid of life, feeling like the tactical fetch quests of too many videogames. But when NPCs take the spotlight and actively participate in the plot, the players can lose agency as their own actions fade to the background.
Inspired by Homer’s advice, I decided to create an adventure where colorful NPCs didn’t have anything material to say or do. This approach was made much easier by a mythic Greece setting. If you study the patterns of Greek mythology, you’ll see many examples of strange and wonderful men, women, and monsters that show up… and then vanish without much impact to the plot:
- Heracles encounters Antaeus, the giant who gets his divine strength by touching the ground. Heracles goes all WWE on him, crushes him, and the story carries on.
- Theseus meets the robber Sciron, who forces people to wash his feet, then kicks him off a cliff into the mouth of a sea monster. Theseus pulls a switcheroo, tosses Sciron off the cliff, then gets on to killing the minotaur.
- Atalanta is tricked to lose a footrace to the suitor Hippomenes. Although they get married, her new husband is booted entirely from her story as she hops on board the Argo to go look for the Golden Fleece.
- Odysseus and… okay, there’s way too many NPCs in Odysseus’ story to even list here.
I used these kinds of events as a model for NPC interaction in The Honey Tree of Pelion. Antaeus, Sciron, and Hippomenes are interesting characters but have zero contribution to the main story, except to make the hero look more heroic.
The Honey Tree of Pelion as a straightforward three act adventure, something players could easily finish in a few hours. In the first part, the players recover a divine gift, but their king immediately screws it all up by blaspheming the gods at his festival. In the middle, the players journey to find items worthy of divine sacrifice. In the final act, the players must struggle to recover a MacGuffin out of the reach of most mortals.
There is almost, literally, no need for NPCs in this outline. Even the king, who technically kicks off the plot with his idiocy, isn’t required – he is really only there to make sure the tropes of the genre get their spotlight. There are no quest givers, no folks who have critical clues, no archvillains to be defeated before reaching the goal. The PCs can overcome nearly everything in the adventure with their character’s ingenuity, abilities, and skills.
But Homer also said “Light is the task where many share the toil” so I then injected lots of unnecessary, but fun, NPCs into my structure:
- In part one, I inserted colorful guests at the king’s festival. An annoying poet who will overstay his welcome within minutes. Acostos, the mighty demigod who loves his donkey like a sibling. An Amazon who is quick to tattle on anything that goes wrong. A disguised pickpocket running a heist during the festival.
- In part two, I introduced pig farmers that are feuding with their father. A concerned pirate who is trying to understand his future. I also brought back the donkey-loving Acostos for a wrestling contest (though this was a late addition, made after my first playthrough, since my players thought he was The Best).
- In part three, a lonely nymph made her home on the finale’s mountain summit… along with a mad Atlantean hermit who had gone crazy waiting for his king.
I want to keep emphasizing that none of these NPCs are critical to the adventure. Yes, they can provide hints and clues and background information (especially in the event the PCs botch skill rolls). They can help and hinder the PCs. But, each character generally has their own motivations that are entirely separate from the PC’s adventure.
But Did It Work?
Did this approach work in actual play? Yes. The players agreed that not only did the NPCs help make the adventure feel more alive, but also that once they realized that these NPCs weren’t critical to the plot, they could interact with them in a more relaxed, fun manner. The players didn’t have to worry about handling an NPC a certain way because they knew the NPC had a critical piece of the plot… they could just interact with them like their characters would. Lastly, the players expressed the colorful personalities made the adventure feel more like the ancient Greek myths we were trying to emulate. One player even wrote a sidesplitting poem in the demigod Acostos’ honor, included in the pdf.
However, not all the NPCs were as memorable as I hoped. In particular, the lonely nymph needs much more work to add dimension to her, and some of the smaller characters, like the servants and guards at the beginning, need a few more defining traits for them to participate at all. I bet some GMs who don’t like improvising as much may wish the NPCs had more histories and details spelled out. But before I make any changes, though, I’ll give it another run soon.
Enjoy the free adventure!
Get THE HONEY TREE OF PELION (GURPS Greece) - Printer Friendly
Get The Honey Tree of Pelion (D&D 5E)
Get The Honey Tree of Pelion (D&D 5E) - Printer Friendly
If you run the adventure or play in it, all that I ask is that you let me know how it went! Comment below or tweet me @SageThalcos
Related: The Ice Age
This was a great little adventure. I am a big fan of the Greek myths and I really think you nailed the feel of the setting in this adventure. I would run this for a group just starting out and I think they would find this a safe and enjoyable introduction to Mythic Greece.
Appreciate your note! I’ve run this at a few conventions for new players as well as with kids who are getting into the hobby. I think you’re right – there’s something special about ancient Greece that makes it easy and fun to get into.
Ran this with my kids and a friend of theirs last weekend. They are fans of Greek mythology (probably via Rick Riordan, but I’m not complaining). We made it through the curse of Dionysus before we ran out of time (only had a 2-hour window). We’ll wrap it up later this month. As always with your adventures, it was a great time. The kids loved the idea of the huge amphorae. The curse was dramatic (they’ve been talking about thorns in the mouth ever since) and the crab battle was exciting.
Thank you!
“The PCs may
also request aid from some of the PCs they’ve befriended”
They can?!
Hahaha, this is clearly the work of a mischievous Hermes. I’ll fix it in the next update!
We’re running this adventure and it’s awesome, although I wouldn’t consider it a one shot, since, precisely because of the wonderful NPC and side-stories, the players tend to turn away from the shortest path to the honey.
BTW, I used some help from an AI to generate Pittacus’poem describing the deeds of the heros (in spanish), including the part when two of them dived into the amphora and emerged drunken-singing songs from distant lands. Very amusing 😉
Working on a sequel to this adventure right now, so I’m glad you enjoyed it! You’ll have to share that poem too!
Del fondo del mar tres ánforas subieron,
flotando en las olas, un regalo divino.
Los héroes, al verlas, para el rey las quisieron,
al mar se arrojaron, al encuentro marino.
Enfrentados al mar, con tesón sobrehumano,
llevaron el néctar, brillante y sagrado.
Los dioses sonrieron desde el Olimpo lejano,
viendo el vino eterno a la tierra llegado.
Mas dos de los héroes, con deseo insano,
bebieron en exceso del vino sagrado.
Borrachos cantaron canciones de tierras lejanas,
haciendo el ridículo bajo las estrellas tempranas.
Looking forward the sequel !! Thanks so much for sharing!
Working on it!
Is https://1shotadventures.com/the-scourge-of-triton/ the sequel you were planning for this adventure? Only that it is now a GURPS starter adventure :-/
And an OSR version for the D&D fans!